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Machining Power - Calculates Power at the Tool and the Motor.

Enter Machine and Cutter Data:

The calculations are based on those in the Machinery's Handbook. Reference should be made to tables 23, 24, and 25 for values of Power Constant (Kp).

The default value for Stainless Steel 1.97 is provided. This represents the power to cut material at a rate of 1000mm³ (1cm³) per second.

The value for Feed Factor (C), is the feed rate in mm/tooth. For Turning this is efffectively mm/rev, as turning is a single point operation.

Power Constant (Kp): kW

Feed Rate - *(Turning, mm/rev - Milling, mm/min) (f): mm/*
Number of Teeth on Cutter - (Turning, this = 1) (nc): -
Depth of Cut (d): mm
Width of Cut - (Milling Only, set at 0 for Turning) (w): mm

Diameter of Cutter or Workpiece (Dia): mm
Cutting Speed - (Material Property) (s): m/min
Ultimate Tensile Strength - (Material Property) (E): MPa

Spindle/Tool Speed (r): rpm

Metal Removal Rates
Metal Removal Rate (Q): cm³/s

Machining Power Calculations
Power at the Cutting Tool (Pc): kW
Power at the Motor (Pm): kW

Tool Load Calculation
Tangential Tool Load (Zt): N
Torque at Spindle (Ts): Nm